Daily maintenance knowledge of powder packaging machine

2022-02-28 source:ZHONG KE KE ZHENG Views:349

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Good maintenance will prolong the life of your equipment, and powder packaging machines are no exception. The key to its maintenance is: cleaning, tightening, adjusting, lubricating, and anti-corrosion. In the daily production process, the machine and equipment maintenance personnel should strictly implement various maintenance work within the specified period according to the maintenance manual and maintenance procedures of the machine packaging equipment, reduce the wear speed of the parts, eliminate the hidden danger of failure, and prolong the service life of the machine.

Maintenance is divided into: routine maintenance, regular maintenance (points: first-level maintenance, second-level maintenance, third-level maintenance), special maintenance (points: seasonal maintenance, out-of-service maintenance).

1. Routine maintenance

Centering on cleaning, lubrication, inspection and tightening, routine maintenance should be carried out as required during and after the machine is in operation.

The first-level maintenance work is carried out on the basis of routine maintenance, and the key work content is to lubricate, tighten and check all relevant parts and their cleaning work.

The second-level maintenance work focuses on inspection and adjustment. Specifically, it is necessary to inspect the engine, clutch, transmission, transmission components, steering and braking components.

The focus of the three-level maintenance is to detect, adjust, eliminate hidden troubles and balance the wear degree of each component. It is necessary to carry out diagnostic detection and status inspection on the parts that affect the performance of the equipment and the parts with signs of failure, and then complete the necessary replacement, adjustment and maintenance. Troubleshooting etc.

2. Seasonal maintenance

It means that the packaging equipment should focus on the detection and repair of components such as the combustion and moistening system, hydraulic system, cooling system and starting system before the summer and winter.

3. Disable maintenance

It means that when the packaging equipment needs to be out of use for a period of time due to seasonal factors (such as winter break), cleaning, cosmetic surgery, matching, anti-corrosion and other work should be done.


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